Top 10 Smartphones In The World

      Top 10 Smartphones In The World

10. LG G3
    LG G2 was a great device. G3 has just taken it up one level higher. With a display, which comes with a larger body, G3 looks good at first sight. G3 doesn’t offer the same build quality as that of HTC One. But it’s a good looking phone with an easy grip though it has a large frame. Battery life is not the best. Nevertheless LG has packed plenty of good functionalities in this device. Gestures and shortcuts make your life easier, as well as a range of functions to make use of all the display space, like dual app. A smartphone with a big screen in a manageable package. LG G3 is priced between $99 and $599.

    • High resolution pictures
    • NFC equipped
    • Display size
    • Bulky design
    • Short Battery life

    9. Motorola Moto G 4G

      Motorola’s latest boom, the Moto G has been updated with microSD card support and 4G, making for a cracking device compared to its predecessor. The newer version is larger and loses some of the charm of the Moto G 4G. Still: Take the price out of the equation and you won’t feel disappointed. The design is great, the display is excellent and there’s plenty of power, too. Motorola Moto G 4G provides the best Android experience in a budget handset. The 8GB handset is available for $199 on Amazon.

      • Optimized to work on 4G LTE
      • Robust quad-core processor
      • Good battery life
      • Average camera

      8. Sony Xperia Z3 Compact


        Sony did it with Z1 and Z1 Compact. It is now trying to repeat the same with Z3 and Z3 Compact. Z3 Compact aims to offer the same power and performance as its predecessor Z3. The device is smart and will feel comfortable in your hand thanks to its pocket-sized nature. The glass front and back panels feel very comfortable and give a premium look. Sony gives its highest resolution through Z3 Compact but it’s still just not enough for the display screen size. The long battery life beats every other feature and outweighs the negatives about the Z3 Compact. A good interface, a water proof device, multiple options, and a great camera make this a very good smartphone. It is priced at $339.99 on Amazon.

        • Good waterproof camera
        • Powerful processor
        • Resolution doesn’t match the screen size

        7. Motorola Moto X

          The Motorola Moto X has found some fresh air in its second generation device. Moto X gains its key strengths from its Android experience. Moto X’s 5.2-inch display design sits nicely in the hand, but most appealing of all are the options to customize the phone, including adding a leather back. Moto X’s battery life is very good and plenty of power is offered at a price that undercuts most rivals. The weakness is its camera, which isn’t a consistent performer. There’s also no microSD card which most Android rivals offer. Moto X with a decent storage capacity is priced at $240 and can extend up to $699.
          • Sharp display resolution
          • Good battery life
          • Customizable design options
          • Non-expandable memory
          • Minimalist camera

          6. Apple iPhone 6 Plus

            Other platforms got bigger and faster. Apple got criticized for sticking to smaller displays. In comparison to the iPhone 6, Apple has changed with the launch of the iPhone 6 Plus. iPhone 6 Plus offers a high-quality design, with an all metal body and a great display. There hasn’t been much done to take advantage of the large display though. The Samsung Galaxy Note handsets offer more features – but the 6 Plus offers a full HD display. And there is a lot of power, too. iPhone 6 Plus renders the big screen gaming and entertainment experience – the Apple way. The 5.5 inch display starts at a price of $299.
            • Good battery life
            • Brilliant display
            • Good call quality
            • Rear camera design
            • High pricing

            5. HTC One (M8)

              HTC one (M8) looks to be a premium device topping the Android set of phones. The makers seem to have leveraged a lot from HTC One, enhancing M8’s design and user experience. The premium metal body offers a great feel in the hand. The kind of visuals will make you wonder for a 5-inch full HD display device. You can easily say that this is one of the few phones that could compete with iPhone with the looks and the features that you would expect of a smart phone. HTC has gone ‘better’ on every feature – screen, metal, camera, battery, power. The device is priced at $349.

              • Powerful quad-core processor
              • Depth-sensing camera
              • Elegant design
              • Built-in battery
              • Picture sharpness is low

              4. Samsung Galaxy Note 4

                Samsung has been carrying the tag of a big phone. With Galaxy Note 4, it continues to boast the tag. Samsung continues to differentiate itself by packing its big screen and hardware with multiple features and making it useful, too. Many people might not be interested in Samsung’s S-pen. Though the stylus might not be used, it still opens up features that others don’t offer. Note 4’s hardware compliments the features that is loaded into the device. Its amazing display, power and endurance packed in the device gives an edge over other competitors. The gadget is priced around $249 and the top line model costs around $825.
                • Brilliant high resolution screen
                • 16 MP camera
                • Robust performance
                • Indoor shots aren’t great

                3. Sony Xperia Z3

                  Sony has made multiple attempts to get to a flagship device. It seems like Xperia Z3 is where they all come together. The body design has been refined. The slim body takes it to a new level where it feels very comfortable in one’s palm. Xperia’s 5.2-inch display is carried by a powerful hardware that’s pretty fast. Sony has run a number of customizations similar to Android through, but has avoided the worst of duplications. As always with Sony, there’s a great pair of cameras. The rear camera offers a great quality, options and good results. Sony Xperia Z3 offers a powerful, waterproof phone, with sharp shooting options, and an Android handset. It is slightly overpriced at around $530.
                  • Beautiful design
                  • Good battery life
                  • Brilliant display
                  • Quirky camera features
                  • Average user interface

                  2. Samsung Galaxy S5

                    Samsung has been refining its flagship model for years now. In the competitive market, it’s the minor and smaller aspects that separate one smartphone from the other. Galaxy phones are known for its big size, software and deals. S5 doesn’t disappoint you. Don’t get hooked on just by S5’s aesthetics. Samsung’s form has IP67 waterproofing. Just make sure the back panel and port covers are properly fitted. The 2014 superphone is big, has a bright screen, a lot of power and an amazing camera that will blow you away. The top line model is priced around $749.
                    • Powerful processor
                    • Excellent display
                    • Custom interface
                    • Cost is significantly higher than competitors

                    1. Apple iPhone 6

                      Besides the brand name, iPhones have never topped the list of smartphones. But with iPhone 6, Apple has given the much needed screen space. Resolution might not be the best but you’ll notice a great quality display. TouchID is gaining momentum. With Apple Pay being talked out widely, Apple could give you much more than just a phone. Apple, for long has been trying to catch up with Android. But with iOS 8, Apple seems to have come up with consistency in user experience. With no wireless charging, no waterproofing, iPhone 6 still has a few points going against it. But the design and build outweighs them. The 4.7-inch iPhone 6 seems to be the best iPhone ever. iPhone 6 is available starting at $199 and goes up to $699

                      • Improved wireless speed
                      • Crisp camera
                      • Good storage capacity
                      • Battery life
                      • Waterproofing
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